Logo Tresor - vase de vix
Côte D'Or, France [21]

...Going back to year 550 and 450 before JC, the spot was discovered on the way linking the Paris Basin to the Rhone Basin through the Seine and the Saône valleys.

Oppidum of the mount Lassois :
The nerve center of the tin which transit in-between ‘La Cornouailles’ and Italy. The tin was unloaded at Vix where the ‘Seine’ ceased to be navigable in order to be transported in Italy by terrestrial way.

Don't miss to visit :
- Châtillon-sur-Seine, The Museum
- Church of the Mount Lassois St Marcel .
- Douix source, video youtube
- Lac de Marcenay
- Molesmes Abbaye

Côte d'Or clip

Tourisme cote d'or